Sunday, November 29, 2009

Downtown in December

The city does a great Downtown in December with all kinds of cool things. Friday night was the kick off with the tree lighting ceremony. They had carolers, dancers, and hot chocolate. When the dancers came on, Jerni kept yelling, "Barbie!" We had recently watched Barbie's Nutcracker. Anyways, it was lots of fun. The kids were so excited they just couldn't hide it!

She's so excited because she has a cup full of M&M's.

He's so excited because he got a baseball card signed by Rowdy the Redhawk.

Another great thing about Downtown in December are the free canal rides. We were pleasantly surprised at how long the ride was. The kids both fell quickly asleep as soon as we got in the car. What a great Thanksgiving break!

Orthodontics vs. Oral Surgery Turkey Bowl

This year for the Turkey Bowl, it was Ortho vs. Oral Surgery. Oral Surgery won, but I think the real winner was everyone for not getting hurt. Us wives depend on our husbands hands to make a living.

Pre-K Thanksgiving Feast

Joby's class had their Thanksgiving Feast last week.

They decorated the tables and a few of us Mom's put out all the food.

Joby's favorite was the ham roll-up.

And the cheese cubes.

They had these cute little turkey hats and did a little Tom Turkey dance for us.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Pre-K Halloween Party

Joby's class had their Halloween party on Friday. They got to parade around the school in their costumes (only Pre-K and Kindergarten get to dress-up.)

Mrs. Zerby as a zebra.

Joby as Woody from Toy Story.

We had food:

We had treat bags:

We played the Cake Walk game:

We made a picture frame with our thumbprints as pumpkins:

We had lots of fun and lots of candy!

First Field Trip

Joby's first field trip this year for Pre-K was the Train Trolley Tour of El Reno. The trolley broke the day before our field trip so we rode our bus everywhere. We did a hay maze, decorated pumpkins, had lunch in a red barn, toured the El Reno Fire Station, and shot water from a fire hose. Joby had lots of firsts that day:
First bus ride--

First class photo--

First pumpkin of his choice--

High-fived a fully dressed fire fighter--

First time to shoot water from a fire hose--

This was a very crazy day. Joby had his field trip from about 8:30-1:30. Jerni went to Laurie's house (THANK YOU!) and my mom flew in from NC to visit at 12:30.

Pumpkin doughnut

Krispy Kreme had pumpkin shaped doughnuts for Halloween. Joby was super excited when he woke up one morning to find this for breakfast.

All Aboard!

Joby and Jerni creatively playing with the basketball stand. Joby would yell "Choo! Choo!" and Jerni would reply "All Aboard!"